Background Notes:
Genesis of this unique photo session.
Starting off 2025, is there anything truly new under a Class M star on the fringes of the Milky Way galaxy?
Maybe not on Earth…
But drawing on a long photographic career segueing from photojournalism to landscapes, I admit my obsession to photograph on Mars — in the spirit of Ansel Adams and Edward Weston — using an 8x10 view camera.
Still, I can foresee difficulties in arranging such an expedition while I still have a body capable of pressing a cable release. What then? Like so many older men, I began contemplating nude photography on Mars.
Seriously? On researching several corroborative sources, I discovered that this is actually possible. Barely. Maybe.
Money could be an issue. A proposed 2023 honeymoon orbit around Mars was budgeted at $500 billion — unhappily, a few hundred dollars more than that lucky couple was willing to spend.
But what if…
What follows is a scientifically valid checklist to pull off taking it off in near (but not quite!) vacuum. Followed by an imaginary conversation between the photographer and a prospective model. Since the West is now so frightened of its own shadow-side, she will “naturally” hail from that country we Must Not Mention.
As a free bonus extra, "Posing Nude On Mars" includes a non-retouched, original NASA image that will get your next 12 months off to an astonishing start.
Happy Nude Year!
Photo Credit: "Nude on Sand, Oceano" -Edward Weston