27 min read


by William Thomas



“Later in the evening, after a few more drinks, talk turned to the extraordinary power exercised by the Vatican.”  -Mark Lane, American jurist

It was time for another check-in with a well-informed buddy who never fails to astonish me with revelations that never seem to appear on Fox or CNN.

     “What’s new?” I asked Hank.

     “Oh, dude.”

     My friend and deep source for more than 16 years sounded tired. And shaken. This veteran of the Gulf War, and personal intrigues and interventions at all levels of the U.S. government and military, does not rattle easily. Since we’d last spoken, Hank related, he’d stopped to help a stranger “on a tight deadline” change a tire on his car. Hank asked no questions, which must have impressed the mysterious motorist. Because weeks later he “got a nice little knock on the door, and there he is again.”

     You know where I live, Hank thought. Damn!

     “What do you need?” he asked aloud. “Another tire fixed?”

     “No, just some of your time.”

     The visitor on his doorstep was not the first insider to check Hank out, review some of the pieces we’d done together, and come forward. But this Vatican Jesuit “who helped run things” was certainly the highest placed. Over subsequent visits, Hank was introduced to enough of “his friends, neighbors, compatriots, ner’do-wells” to establish this man’s veracity.
His ears, he said, were still burning.

“No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican’s part in it. And no significant world situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit role.”  -Baron Avro Manhattan, English historian, Knight of Malta, The Vatican and World Politics

     “The Vatican has surfaced again,” Hank informed me. According to his Vatican source, “They have been purchasing a large amount of storage and online storage space. They are taking a lot of pictures, a lot of documents and a lot of scans and putting that information together in a large vault of info. And they’re wanting more.”

     If so, this project will take tons of terabytes. The “Vatican Secret Archives” – as a London newspaper tagged them – contain almost two-million items. Forget the DaVinci Code. Squirreled away in 50 miles of catacombs shelving, this volatile stockpile of scandals dating back over 1,000 years is the real deal. [Independent May 21/06]

A short list of what Vatican records might hide:

1. Not long after the Vatican State received sovereignty and $85 million after signing an alliance with Hitler’s fascist mentor, Mussolini in 1929, Pope Pius XII dealt with another devil he admired, closing down the Catholic-dominated Center Party, one of the Nazi Socialist Party's strongest opponents. As Jews were being carted away to gas chambers from their ghetto beneath the Vatican’s windows, instead of condemning the Holocaust, "Hitler's Pope” is accused of forbidding monasteries and convents to shelter Jews, and accepting loot stolen from the Nazi’s victims. One 1946 U.S. Treasury document shows the Vatican serving as a repository for more than 200 million Swiss francs.

In accord with Jesuit doctrine, Pope Pius XII also allowed Franciscans to force conversions using torture in Croatia, where priests like Father Krusnoslav Draganovic (indicted for war crimes) and Bishop Ivan Saric (”Hangman of the Serbs”) assisted escaping Nazis. Father Filipovic-Majstorovic commanded a Ustashi torture camp, where 700,000 non-Catholic Jewish and non-Jewish “heretics” were slaughtered with a relish and brutality that shocked even the Nazi SS. Never charged for his crimes, Fra Sotona (“Father Satan”) as inmates called him, was rewarded with some of the gold smuggled out of Croatia by the retreating Germans. [The Vatican in World Politics; Ottawa Citizen Sept 10/00; serbianna.com; US National Archives –CIA www.archives.gov; Unholy Trinity, srpska-mreza.com; The Vatican's Holocaust; biconews.com; liberalslikechrist.org; reformation.org; listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu]

2. The Vatican’s sins in Croatia continued. In 2005, UN chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte charged that a “most wanted” war criminal was being shielded Franciscan monastery by the Vatican hierarchy. A fugitive since 2001, with a $6 million bounty on his head, General Gotovina was charged with crimes against humanity and. Del Ponti told the press, “the Catholic Church has the most advanced intelligence services.” [Trumpet.com Sept 23/05]

3. Other documents detail the Vatican’s infamous “Ratline” that spirited as many as 30,000 Nazis out of Germany after the WWII. Among those rescued by the Holy See were the notorious Gestapo killers Klaus Barbie, Adolph Eichmann, Gustav Wagner, Franz Stangl (head of the Treblinka extermination facility), members of the SS (Super Sadistic) Waffen Galician Division – and the diabolical Dr. Joseph Mengele, the widely feared "Angel of Death” at the Auschwitz death camp. The Vatican assisted these monsters and many more to reach South America and the USA. Catholic officials linked to the Ratline include Bishop Giovanni Montini, who became Pope Paul VI. [atheists.org; srpska-mreza.com; archives.cbc.ca; aracnet.com; Vatican Ratline; hartford-hwp.com; American Atheists Nov 27/00; vaticanbankclaims.com]

4. Did a plucky German woman of English descent cross-dress to claim the papacy in 854, as many medieval church chronicles describe “Pope Joan”? [Independent May 21/06]

5. In May 1981, John Paul II was shot by Mehmet Ali Agca. The Pope survived, and forgave Agca in prison. Was the KGB indulging in “payback” for the Vatican’s role in funneling more than $12,000,000 in covert American funds to the Solidarity Trade Union in Poland – beginning the breakup of the Soviet Union and ensuring the Church's position in a post-Soviet Europe? What did Agca tell the Pope? [Independent May 21/06] 

6. Regarding the church's massive cover-up of predator priests, the Vatican has never admitted what it knew and for how long. What do the archives hide?

7. Vatican records could also add to existing court documents tracing “the flow of money from the Corleone Mafia family to investments in the Vatican bank.” Authorities would love to learn more about Liccio Gelli. The former Italian Black Shirt worked closely with the OSS-CIA after the war, founded the Masonic Lodge P-2, and was later linked to an attempted fascist coup in Italy. A close friend of Argentine President Juan Peron, Gelli used his Vatican connections to supply arms and back the dictator's return to power in 1973. Gelli was also a central figure in the collapse of the Banco Ambrosiano, as well as the murder of banker Roberto Calvi, who helped the Vatican Bank’s American monsignor Paul Marcinkus set up offshore accounts to launder the Papacy’s dirty drug and other monies. [hartford-hwp.com; American Atheists Nov 27/00; vaticanbankclaims.com; atheists.org; puritans.net;mega.nu;mafiascene.com]


In hopes of diffusing charges of a cover-up, the Vatican archives were opened to British author John Cornwell in the late 1990s. An ex-seminarian and author of a book refuting the alleged murder of Pope John Paul I, Cornwell was considered onside. But this lifelong Catholic read only a part of the Pope Pius XII material before finding himself "in a state I can only describe as moral shock. The material I had gathered, taking the more extensive view of [Pius XII's] life, amounted not to an exoneration but to a wider indictment."

     When Cornwell's book, Hitler's Pope detonated in 1999, Pius was portrayed as a prelate prepared to accept Nazi atrocities to stem the advance of Stalin’s “godless communism.” The catacombs slammed shut, and the Church’s post-Munich records “remain locked away in the Secret Archive to this day,” the Independent reported. Though 40 selected scholars still get to peek in the Vatican archives every day, they are forbidden to see any documents since Hitler’s rise to power in 1939. [Independent May 21/06]

“Let us, at the same time, be vigilant, that no one may suspect our designs… You well know that what we aim at is the empire of the world.” -20th Jesuit General “Black Pope”, Aloysius Fortis to the secret Conference at Chieri in 1825.

With so much at stake in copying and moving documents that could go astray and blow up the Church, I wanted to know what had precipitated the present papal panic?

     According to Hank’s Jesuit source, the Vatican is on the verge of being “outed “for one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time – bilking its followers and victims for trillions of dollars while convincing believers worldwide that their suffering and exploitation is “God's will.”

     The catalyst for this threatened exposure? U.S. Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney.

     I didn’t get it.

     Romney is a Mormon, Hank said his Jesuit insider had explained. “It’s kind of making the Vatican nervous as people learn more about Mormonism, which considers Jesus and Satan brothers – the light bearers, the sons of God – and start to ask questions of their own religions.”

     Vatican viewers had apparently choked on their catechisms when Baptist preacher Mike Huckabee asked his opponent on nationwide TV if the Mormon faith considers Satan and Jesus to be bro’s?

     “Well, technically that’s correct. Read the book. Make your own decision,” Hank paraphrased Romney’s response.

     I whistled into the phone. “If one person in a thousand reads the Book of Mormons and thinks, ‘There might be something in this…”

     “You got it,” Hank prompted.

     “… many fingers will be pointing back at a place that is never on anyone’s radars – except for photo ops with the guy in the robes,” I finished.

     “That’s right,” Hank agreed. “This hits them in their religion, politics, pocketbook and influence. It rocks them to their core.”

     Still, I was perplexed. Long before the primaries, I wasn’t even tracking Mitt Romney. “Where the heck did he come from?” I asked Hank.

     “That’s the point,” he responded. “The fact that this guy came out of nowhere and was put on the podium means that the people doing the choosing are not in lockstep any more. The fact that Romney made it past the first 50 million hurdles and get on the stage with everyone else… that he actually says what he means and means what he says, and can prove it” – is causing lights to burn late in the Vatican. Because according to Hank’s informant, even though we’re dealing with the supposed tip-top of the global financial power elite, not even the Jesuits know who put him there.

     “There are people who tell the Vatican what to do,” Hank said.

     “People with two arms, two legs and one head?” I asked.

     “One hopes,” Hank shot back. “I haven’t seen the man behind the curtain yet. I don’t know. How much higher can you be than the folks who say, ‘If you don’t do what we say, you’re damned to hell’? Now they’re seeing eyes looking back at them. And they’re freaking.”

     According to Hank’s Jesuit source, his fellow Jesuits are starting to ask what else the Vatican knows – and can prove – concerning its long history of “infallible” assertions. “People are going to demand answers. On CSPAN,” Hank mused. “Suddenly the fog lifts: ‘Ya’ll friggin' lied to us for the past thousand years. What the hell?’”

     The Vatican is already alarmed over its defecting global constituency. In November 2007, a senior Vatican cardinal told top prelates that the Roman Catholic Church urgently must discern why so many souls it was “battling” over were leaving the Church to join the Pentecostals and other evangelical groups. Cardinal Walter Kasper told more than 100 cardinals that their Church of 840 million believers must confront the "exponential" rise of these charismatic groups, which currently count some 400 million faithful. In formerly Catholic Brazil alone, Roman Catholics accounted for about 90% of the population in the 1960s. By 2005 that count was down to 67%. [AP Nov 23/07; Fortune Dec 21/87]

     Given this slippage – and Mitt Romney’s public assertions of Lucifer’s hidden Christian agenda, which as we will see ties directly to those self-professed Luciferian lightbearers: the Jesuit-founded “Illuminati” and the Big Banks they control – the Vatican is attempting to introduce distraction and “reinforce their power base,” Hank had learned, “through the recent housing development problem.”

     “Wait a minute,” I broke in. “You’re not saying that the Vatican is behind the mortgage mess.”

“Ye are able upon earth to give and to take away empires, kingdoms, principalities, marquisates, duchies, countships, and the possessions of all men…” -Pope Gregory VII speaking of the papacy (1073)

“The Vatican is the strongest push for banking anywhere in the world,” Hank calmly responded. “When it comes to moving money or not moving money, they are the key. Bank of England. That’s where they came from. Everything is a promissory note to the Bank of England. The Federal Reserve doesn’t come close.”

     He had a point. Let’s take a second to follow the money allegedly in your jeans.

     First, where do U.S. banks get their marching orders? From the Federal Reserve that is constantly in the news setting interest rates. Often seen as a U.S. Government agency, the “Fed” is actually a privately held, for-profit bank that supposedly stands ready to make good on even the dodgiest loans made by U.S. banks that must hold in reserve only 10% of the money they loan. This “fractional reserve banking” means banks can create mortgages and other loans out of thin air.

     Another word for this is fraud.

     In usurping the Constitution, which reserves the sole right to mint U.S. currency at zero interest, the illegal Federal Reserve Act passed during Congressional recess Christmas in 1913 essentially enslaved Americans and their successive governments under a mountain of compounding war debts.

     It turns out that the Federal Reserve Act was created by in London by Baron Alfred “Red Shield” Rothschild. Its final draft was decided at a secret meeting of heavy financial hitters held at JP Morgan’s Jekyll Island estate in Georgia. Among those present were Senator Nelson Aldrich, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Warburg, and several senior officials of J.P. Morgan’s banks. [Secrets of the Federal Reserve; The Creature from Jekyll Island]

     Hold on, advises G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island. “We had the Morgans, the Rockefellers, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, the Rothschilds and the Warburgs… These were the major competitors in the field of investment and banking in those days; these were the giants. Prior to this period they were beating their heads against each other, blood all over the battlefield fighting for dominance in the financial markets of the world. And here they are sitting around a table coming to an agreement of some kind. What's going on here? They came together completely and decided not to compete – they formed a cartel” – to print money, collect taxes, and charge interest to the U.S. Government and other borrowing banks on loans made from nothing.

     Why didn’t I think of that?

     With his extensive European banking savvy, Warburg was the most knowledgeable banker in the group.” Voicing the Jesuit agenda, this non-ordained “cohort” will later tell the Senate: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." [quotes.liberty-tree.ca]

     Mullins recounts how, because of popular opposition to Eastern bankers as manipulators of mass misery, “The main problem, as Paul Warburg informed his colleagues, was to avoid the name ‘Central Bank’. For that reason, he had decided upon the designation of ‘Federal Reserve System’. This would deceive the people.”

     As Mullins further observes: “This patent removal of the system from Congressional control meant that the Federal Reserve proposal was unconstitutional from its inception.” [Secrets of the Federal Reserve]

     And Morgan?

     John Pierpont Morgan was born in 1837, during the first money panic in the United States, said to have been caused by the House of Rothschild. It was this family who later bailed out Morgan’s bank, uniting both houses. [Secrets Of The Federal Reserve; cyberclass.net]

     According to Eric Jon Phelps, whose prodigious research for Vatican Assassins runs thousands of pages, the executive vice-president of Morgan Bank today is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta’s U.S. secretary. “At Morgan Bank’s New York headquarters is a telex which links SMOM U.S. to SMOM headquarters in Rome,” Phelps states.

     Conspiracy theories aside, who are the real Knights of Malta? According to their official website, founded in Jerusalem during the 11th century, the 12,500-strong “Order of Malta is a lay, religious order of the Catholic Church [who] seek to glorify God through… work with the sick and the poor and witness of the Catholic faith.” [smom.org]

     True as far as it goes. But this smokescreen site does not mention how this ancient Jesuit order became militarized to hold land won by the Crusades. Or its many interwoven links with Freemasonry – including the Order’s Maltese Cross, which is often depicted with the Roman Empire’s double-headed eagle signifying dominion over East and West, above the Masonic inscription: “Order Out of Chaos” – the time-proven Mithric recipe used by controlling elites to frighten large populations into begging for the “protection” that enslaves them.

     In 1743, this two-headed Roman eagle emblem on a red shield was adopted by a German goldsmith who hung it over his Frankfurt coin shop – calling it the Rothschild (“Red Shield”) firm. As bankers to kings and popes, the Rothschilds went on to join the world’s richest families, financing wars, and masterminding total control through creation of the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and similar fake “national” banks.

     While any Catholic can join the lower order to help the poor, high-level Knights of Malta initiates must count military service and a family coat-of-arms dating back at least 300 years. Current Grand Master, Andrew Willoughby Bertie, photographed with the Pope, is descended from Mary Queen of Scots.

     Astonishingly, this modern Church “charity” is a sovereign state enjoying diplomatic ties with a number of countries, and Permanent Observer status at the United Nations. The false identities issued by the Vatican to high-ranking Nazi war criminals were Sovereign Knight of Malta passports. [aftermathnews.wordpress.com; Ole Andersen Mar 14/01; crwflags.com]
And the Knights – whose long public roster includes presidents, generals, media moguls and financiers – also enjoy direct input to the Fed through the Morgan Bank.

“The Pope is the ruler of the World. All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the presidents of the world are as these altar boys of mine.” -Fr. David Phelan, Roman Catholic Priest Western Watchman (June 27, 1913)

By June 1932, Congressman Louis McFadden was fed up with the Fed. “We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks… private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves,” the Chair of the House Committee on Banking and Currency told the House of Representatives. “The United States has been ransacked and pillaged…The truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States. It controls everything here… to supply financial power to an international super state — a super state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world.” (See this Super Fed website: bigeye.com/federalreserve.htm)

     Meeting in private with the presidents of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors “controls all economic activity throughout the United States,” Mullins explains, “creating money out of nothing” – and manipulating money markets and employment by setting interest rates for the billions of dollars in government bonds floated daily to keep a seriously bankrupt economy afloat. [Secrets of the Federal Reserve]

     Since these 12 Federal Reserve Banks are meant to be “unknown to the public”, lets name them:
Rothschild Bank Of London Warburg Bank Of Hamburg Rothschild Bank Of Berlin Lehman Brothers Of New York Lazard Brothers Of Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank Of New York Israel Moses Seif Banks Of Italy Goldman-Sachs Of New York Warburg Bank Of Amsterdam Chase Manhattan Bank Of New York [vaticanassassins.org]          

     Those dollars in your wallet are actually “Federal Reserve notes”. These “promises to pay” are not something of intrinsic value called “money”. Regardless of denomination, each bill printed by the Bureau of Printing and Engraving in D.C. on contract from the privately held Federal Reserve is worth exactly three-tenths of one penny.

     The privately printed .3 cent thousand-dollar bills streaming in sheets off the presses become “liabilities and obligations of the United States Government, and are added to our present [$6] trillion debt,” Mullins mentions. “The government had no debt when the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913.” [Secrets of the Federal Reserve]

     No wonder the Fed’s founder, Nathan Rothschild, once boasted: "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."

     In case you’re wondering, the never properly ratified U.S. income tax was also introduced by the busy bankers in 1913 as the only means to finance the wars that ensure perpetual profits from pyramiding public and corporate debt. And guess what? “Federal Income Tax” is not “federal” either.

     According to attorney, author and federal witness, Paul Andrew Mitchell: “After much diligent research, several investigators have concluded that there is no known Act of Congress, nor any Executive Order, giving IRS lawful jurisdiction to operate within any of the 50 States of the Union.… When all the evidence is examined objectively, IRS appears to be a money laundry, extortion racket, and conspiracy to engage in a pattern of racketeering activity, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951 and 1961 et seq. (“RICO”)… In other words, it is an organized crime syndicate operating under false and fraudulent pretenses.” (supremelaw.org)

     As Eustace Mullins helpfully explains – and Aaron Russo’s DVD “America: Freedom To Fascism” demonstrates – “The IRS is actually a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve System. It originated as the Black Hand in mediaeval Italy, collectors of debt by force and extortion for the ruling Italian mob families. All personal income taxes collected by the IRS are required by law to be deposited in the nearest Federal Reserve Bank.” (worldnetdaily.com)

     In other words, into the pockets of the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, Rockefellers, Harrimans, Morgans and other elite families. Slick, eh? But don’t try to buy any of this hot Fed stock. “The Federal Reserve Act stipulates that the stock of the Federal Reserve Banks cannot be bought or sold on any stock exchange. It is passed on by inheritance as the fortune of the ‘big rich’,” Mullins relates. “Almost half of the owners of Federal Reserve Bank stock are not Americans.”
These “foreign” owners include the Fed’s originators, the Vatican Jesuits.

“In a country where there are Jesuits, they must either rule or the country must go to ruin… it is they who rule the world.” -Luigi Desanctis, official Censor of the Inquisition, Protestant Reformed pastor (1852)

     “The Great Depression put all the smaller banks out of business and made the Federal Reserve Bank ‘lord of all’,” Eric Phelps documents. Guess who helped trigger the Great Depression? According to FDR’s son-in-law, it was a Knight of Malta named Joseph Kennedy. As Curtis Dall relates: “The feeling around the Street, in succeeding months, was that there were, in particular, three large short-sellers of stock, allegedly, Tom Bragg, Ben Smith, and Joe Kennedy… Of the three mentioned well-known short-sellers, Joe Kennedy was allegedly the most important, the most powerful and the most successful… Was Joe Kennedy carefully selected by world money leaders to sell short?”

     The largest bank in the world today, the Federal Reserve “is one of the greatest contributors, or players, in international trading,” Mullins observes.

     The Fed gets its orders from the Queen Mum of All Banks, the Bank of England – aka, the Bank of Rothschild. Considered by many to be the world’s most powerful institution – the power behind all presidencies, dictatorships and thrones – does the Bank of England answer to any other bank?

     Well, yes, actually.

     The Bank of Rome began opening branch offices in Venice in 1587.

     Bank of Rome = Vatican Bank controlled by the Jesuit General, aka the Black (hidden, shadowy) Pope.

     The Jesuit‘s Bank of Rome opened its Bank of England branch in 1694. The first bank to be named after a country, the Bank of England had nothing to do with the British government, except to own it through privately held, interest-compounded debt.

     Unaccountable to either the Queen or Parliament, the misleadingly labeled “Bank of England” finances the throne, the British prime minister, parliament and much of the planet out of “The City” located in central London. All major British banks have their main offices in this “Square Mile” – as well as 70 U.S. banks. Throw in the London Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London, the Baltic Exchange (shipping), Fleet Street (publishing and newspapers), the London Commodity and Metal exchanges – and you are looking at Earth’s financial axis. [Descent into Slavery]

     The City operates as a sovereign state, just like the Vatican. Since 1820, the Rothschilds have traditionally chosen The City’s Lord Mayor.

     Back in the USA, as Eric Phelps explained in an interview just before publication of Vatican Assassins, (which was held up to include corrections by sympathetic Jesuits) – the Vatican’s Black Robes “own and control” the Federal Reserve Bank “by proxy, through the Knights of Malta, with their various trusts and so on. They never own anything outright; they always own it through a trusted third party.”

     Starting to make the Vatican–home mortgage connection?

     This means everybody’s mortgages, Kimosabe.

“That the Jesuits were the disturbers of kingdoms, the oppressors of nations, the masters of the world, I freely admit.” -Marcel de la Roche Arnauld, Roman Catholic Priest (1827)

“All roads do lead to Rome,” I told Hank. We have the Federal Reserve begat by the Bank of England begat by the Bank of Rome. Similarly, the Bank of Canada is an offspring of the Bank of England, which in turn is a child of the Bank of Rome – aka, the Vatican Bank.

          And the Vatican, as everyone “knows” is run by the CNN-featured “White” Pope. Left untranslated is the coronation moment when the new Pontiff is told in Latin: “Take thou the tiara adorned with the triple crown, and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, and art the governor of the world.” [Vatican Assassins]

     So who runs the White Pope?

     Why the Googleable, shadowy Black Pope of course! The Jesuit General.

     The Jesuits, dude.

“This irritable tribe of priests, have subverted the pure morality of primitive Christianity to serve their own selfish interests.” The Jesuits have "perverted" Christianity "into an engine for enslaving mankind, a mere contrivance to fetch wealth and power to themselves." –Thomas Jefferson

     According to Baron Avro Manhattan, author of a jaw-dropping series of Vatican books, “Many historians and researchers and one American Congressman stated that: ‘The Vatican through the Jesuit Order controlling the Illuminati is in control of the United States Federal Reserve.’” [Vatican Billions by Avro Manhattan]

     That word again.

     If “Illuminati” sounds too “conspiratorial” it’s because it is. The much-misreferenced “Illuminati” turns out to be a real 15th century German sect established by the Jesuit Adam Weishaupt at the Jesuit’s University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria on May 1, 1776.

     The Jesuits had been tossed out Rome and every country in Europe for their back-stabbing machinations. And as Phelps explained to interviewer Rick Martin: “Weishaupt was the promoter of the Illuminati, with the House of Rothschild, for the punishment of the Catholic monarchs of Europe, and the Pope, for suppressing the Jesuit Order. Weishaupt was under the supervision, at least initially, of Jesuit General Ricci, who died in 1775 in Italy. Weishaupt was under orders.” [TheSpectrumNews.org; illuminati-news.com]

     Go that? The “Illuminati” is a real org founded by the Jesuits at their own German university in the 18th century. In his big book, Phelps simply explains how the Illuminati took over the House of Rothschild, “creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General.” [Vatican Assassins]

Pope says no one goes to hell, sinners just 'disappear' -newshub.co.nz

Lucifer means the “illuminated one”. The Bavarian Illuminati believe that they possess the 'light' Lucifer ripped off when he became Satan.

     Sound familiar, Mr. Romney?

     For “Illuminati” today read the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Counsel on Foreign Relation, the Bilderberger Group, the Trilateral Commission – all real entities with street addresses, exclusive executive meetings and website masquerades.
Don’t roll your eyes. The “illuminated ones” want you to tune out

     They” include men like Pierre Jay. Initiated into the Order of Skull and Bones in 1892, Jay, became the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. A dozen other members of the Federal Reserve are linked to this same dis-Order. [The Secrets of the Federal Reserve]

     GW’s granddad, Prescott Bush joined Skull and Bones in 1917. Two years later, Adolph Hitler joined the freaky German Skull and Bones society, the Brotherhood of Death. It is well documented that as a director of the London-affiliated New York banking house, Brown Brothers-Harriman, Prescott Bush funded Hitler’s political comeback. But no official account mentions that the Harriman Bank, with its various money-moving fronts, was owned and directed by the Rothschild’s, who, as the banking bloodline controlling the Central Bank of England, got their money from the Jesuit’s Bank of Rome.  "It is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff." -Pope Boniface, Unam Sanctam (1302)  



OK so far? Not really, I know. But we’re beginning to see how more than 150 years ago, the General of a subversive military power called the Jesuits could brag to Duke de Brissac, "From this room, your grace, I govern not only Paris, but China – not only China, but the whole world – and all without any one knowing how it is done." [Constitution of the Jesuits 1843]
National and personal sovereignty haven’t improved much since. As Baron Avro Manhattan puts it, the Pope “doesn't have to pray for divine intervention to operate the levers of economic power – he merely has to give instructions to his officials in the Vatican Bank. Only the pope and a couple of top bank officers know precise details of its operations… This secrecy is one of the main reasons why few people know that the papacy directs one of the world's major financial corporations.”

     The Vatican likes to point out that it’s going broke running Vatican City. But Cardinal Edmund Szoka, the Vatican's unofficial finance minister, told Money Week that the Vatican's assets total some $5 billion. Vatican City “has a separate financial statement,” he added.

     According to Baron Manhattan’s research: "The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc.”

     A nationally syndicated Catholic priest has stated, “The Catholic Church must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government.” [The Vatican Billions]

     “But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country,” Baron Manhattan explains. “The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence.” [Vatican Billions]

     Don’t forget to throw in more than 18,000 works of art. [Fortune Dec 21/87]   The Vatican's gold treasure alone has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. The Independent has independently confirmed that “the Vatican Bank – Istituto per le Opere di Religione – manages more than $4 billion in assets. It does not reveal its profits or dividends, which are paid directly to the Pope. It enjoys the status of a central bank and has a dealing room adorned with crucifixes and papal portraits where 20 traders work.” [Independent Apr 19/02]

     According to Hank’s Jesuit Vatican informant, the world’s ultimate Vatican bankers “wanted to make sure there was enough confusion, and enough information going all over the place that no one would pay attention to” their current cover-up in the catacombs.

     So they fomented the mortgage mess.

“The Society of the Jesuits has the power to hide the sun, and make men blind and deaf to its caprice.” –Montlarc (circa 1700)

     “It’s gone global.” I observed.

     “It was never just a U.S. problem. It was a banking problem. Bank to bank,” Hank agreed. “But they typically don’t risk holding other banks’ lines of credit.”

     The German Finance Minister, Peter Steinbruck was the first to break the international banking cartel’s taboo of silence. "The managers' arrogance we have witnessed, has ended in disaster,” he told the press. “Certain German banks have been very exposed to the subprime crisis that has been shaking the financial world since last summer… The fog that surrounds German, British and American banks is beginning to spread around… to the point that some are wondering whether their quarterly accounts are really reporting all the latent risks… Several months have gone by and some managers still don't know how much this crisis is going to cost them."

     The problem, Steinbruck went on, is that “the more banks' capital decreases, the less they can lend.” Which means a major credit crunch. [Le Figaro Dec 5/07]

     “The mortgage industry is on life-support. Many of the ways that the banks were generating profits have vanished overnight,” warns financial analyst Mike Whitney. With banks holding at least $550 billion in admitted mortgage-backed securities and “off balance sheet” debt, “mortgages, car loans, credit card debt [have] ground to a halt.” But the entire global casino runs on credit.

     The numbers are gigantic and growing. CoreLogic estimates that if home prices fall 30% as expected, more than 20 million American homeowners won’t be homeowners anymore. “What's going on in the markets isn't an irrational panic,” Paul Krugman comments at the New York Times. “It's a wholly rational panic, because there's a lot of bad debt out there, and you don't know how much of that bad debt is held by the guy who wants to borrow your money.”

     Don’t forget Bush’s ongoing military adventures, which have so far have cost Americans $1,600 billion dollars – heading for $3,500 billion. [La Presse Nov 15/07]

     Where will that come from?

     As the crisis deepens, the Federal Reserve Board has just reported that Americans no longer able to borrow against their homes are maxing their credit cards at a ferocious clip. With total outstanding credit card debt already around $940 billion, and mortgage debt increasing by $730 billion annually, the foreclosure crisis is spreading from the subprime junk mortgage market to A-prime mortgage holders. In an economy addicted to constant spending, homeowners facing equity losses of more than $2.2 trillion in 2008 are about to “sharply curtail” their consumption. And default on their loans. [Center for Economic and Policy Research Jan 9/08]

“It's like the Dark Ages,” one banker told the Financial Times. Which must have sounded like a Knight named Sinatra singing a Vatican aria. It was the Jesuit’s founder, Ignatius Loyola, who “purposed to restore the Dark Ages” in order to establish an allegedly infallible Pope as “Universal Monarch of the World ruling all Nations.” [The Jesuits: Their Complete History]

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe.” – General Lafayette to General George Washington (1799)

     If the Jesuits in Rome really intended to bring the apostate United States to heel by ordering the Fed to lean on lending bank rates, they’re succeeding.

     “This is a bank’s worst nightmare; an asset that loses value and requires greater capital reserves every day,” Witney explains. “The subprime meltdown has been equally damaging to myriad European investment banks and brokerage houses. We've seen a wave of bank closings in France, Germany and England which has left investors shell-shocked; triggering capital flight from American markets and supplanting confidence in the US financial system with growing suspicion and rage.”

     Bloomberg believes that because “foreign investors believe they were hoodwinked by bonds that were deliberately mis-rated to maximize profits” for U.S. banks, “European and Asian investors will avoid most US mortgage-backed securities for years.” Which may explain why $882 billion was “diverted into Chinese and Indian stock markets” in one month alone.

     That’s a big number. But U.S. homeowners “stand to lose as much as $8 trillion in equity,” declares Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. “There is no way to fix the problem.” [truthout Dec 10/07]

     The problem caused by the home mortgage blowout is no longer lack of liquidity, but “a fundamental problem of solvency,” Krugman concurs. “Anyone who expects the Fed or anyone else to come up with a plan that makes this financial crisis just go away will be sorely disappointed.” [New York Times Nov 23/07; New York Times Dec 14/07]

     After seeing yet another $41 billion transfusion pumped through hemorrhaging banking croupiers, Krugman says, “By my count, it's the fourth high-profile attempt to rescue the financial system since things started falling apart about five months ago. The magic isn't working.” [New York Times Dec 14/07]

     Thing is, Hank pointed out, this latest Federal Reserve transfusion was in cash. “If the Federal Reserve says it’s using real cash – in bags in trucks – why?”  

     “Why not make the transfers digitally?” I wondered.

     “Right,” Hank agreed. “Just hit a coupla computer keys. And never tell anyone.”

     So why not, I still wanted to know.

     “They are attempting to drive this stuff home and say, ‘We have control’. They are not trusting the computer system. They had to use cash to plug the hole,” Hank said.

     “Kind of like: ‘Be there in the park at 3 o’clock. And bring cash’,” I suggested.

     “Exactly,” Hank agreed.

     “Based on the Iraq flatbed truck model,” I added, referring to the $2 billion or so in oil revenue cash looted from Iraq’s national bank and driven around Baghdad to be disbursed by its White House-appointed thieves. “We’re talking tons of cash.”

     “It does not quite fit in a knapsack,” Hank agreed. “And the only ones able to call in that kind of marker is the Vatican.”
Ethics aside, that looked like a pretty good deal to me: $41 billion “invested” for a $multi-trillion return on foreclosures scooped up for pennies on each depreciated dollar. And it it’s not even the Vatican’s money!

     “The people running the banks did not know this – who actually held the purse strings, where the system devolves. Not just banks, cities, provinces, towns but whole countries have been put into lock and stock – in a literal stock – and there is a marker sitting in the Vatican for that country. That is a major thing,” Hank said. “See The Godfather Part 2. That’s where we’re at right now.” Assuming mobstah’s nasal New Yawk accent, he ad-libbed: “One of these days I might ask a favor of you. It might not happen. It might. So be prepared. I do something for you. You do something for me.”

     It was an apt portrayal. For the Vatican’s role as a leading crime bank did not stop with Calvi’s corpse dangling from the London bridge. “Vatican Named Tops In Money Laundering” reported the Daily Telegraph in 2001. Fraud researcher John Walker puts the world total of laundered crime money at more than $2 trillion. The top-scoring "cut-out" country, which makes dirty drug and arms money hard to trace, is Mauritius. Running a close second is… Vatican City. [Daily Telegraph Nov 19/01]

     As Hank’s Jesuit informant had emphasized, the current housing fiasco “is a distraction to keep people from seeing the real power base.”

     “Ironically,” I noted, “it leads directly to the power base.”

     “FLAG!” Hank shouted, nearly spilling my caffeine. “The bankers’ panic is no longer about bad housing loans. It concerns the Vatican’s markers. There’s a boardroom somewhere where all these decision are being made. A couple of steps above the Bilderbergers. Which is why the Vatican is in a flurry of activity and storing [their catacombs records] off-site.”

     But mutiny is brewing aboard the good ship Vatican. According to Hank’s source adrift in the Holy See, unhappy Jesuits are already “taking off their collars” over the papacy’s lies and misdeeds.

     “These folks are having a crisis of conscience,” he relayed. “They were convinced that their eternal soul depended on them doing things without question – and getting other people to do the same – doing things for what they feel, think and have been told is the right reason. Now they’re finding out the hollow side. All those years of sacrifice and sacrificing… “

     “They could start blowing loud whistles,” I suggested.

     And going through those archives, Hank said. “There are already leaks in the dam,” he added, referring to his flat-tire friend. “FLAG!”

     I had to laugh. Looks like the Bush gang’s scams in transferring hundreds of billions of dollars to Bechtel, Blackwater, Halliburton, arms makers, and other corporate backers in Iraq and Louisiana just got trumped by the Vatican, I assayed.

     “These are people who actually run things,” Hank came back. “Big Oil and the arms dealers who pay to put Bush in power are just the bus boys at this particular dinner.”

     But the people pulling their strings…

     “They’re tickin’ off people who work for them,” Hank went on. “That’s bad. You don’t abuse the help. They’re starting to realize ‘I’m not a hired hand; I’m a slave. I thought I was in charge. This sucks!’ They’re getting their eyes opened wide. They used to look down at everyone. Now they’re looking up and seeing someone looking down at them! Things are gettin’ kicked loose. And the disgruntled employee status is starting to rise.”

     “Panic in the Vatican!” I guessed.

     “Mitt Romney as a Mormon is in essence shaking up the apple cart. Which is amazing. And it’s making the Vatican nervous like you would not believe. The questions being asked now are just the beginning,” Hank affirmed. “Now we have the source of religion of the biggest banking scandal the U.S. has ever seen.”

     At least, since creation of the Morgan-Rothschild-Jesuit Federal Reserve.

     But China is also on the hook with godowns stuffed with fast-depreciating dollars, I insisted. What are they going to do with these warehouses? They can’t dump them on world money markets without causing a collapse in the very currency they’re holding. Yet they don’t dare keep them. The only thing to do is to buy everything in sight – oil, wheat, strategic minerals, factories. But dollars are only worth full value… in the United States.

     I stopped, suddenly struck by the prospect of China as a Vatican rival. Payback time for all those earlier manipulations by the Black Robes in Peking?

     “A bidding war is going on for the United States,” I guessed.

     It’s no contest, Hank assured me.

     “The Vatican is the Holy Roman Empire,” he reiterated. “Simply the continuation since the days of Christ. And they intend to keep on going. Replace China with Mexico, things like that. If they have the ability to do that worldwide, and as soon as anything threatens them they knee jerk and entire economies fall. The housing bubble had to be built over decades. And in a week it crashed out. What else has been built like that?”

     Answering his own question, he supplied another example: “Shipping. Runs on oil, which runs on banks. And back-to-back letters of credit.”

     Want to sink the international shipping industry? By design or default, raise the price of bunker oil. But be careful, guys. The Trans-Texas Corridor isn’t completed yet.

     “The Internet is a compilation of cooperation. Take the parts away, whaddya got? Nothing. There is no inter-net,” Hank said by way of illustration. “The financial web that they have woven is almost [as ephemeral], almost as identical in its ability to have the plug pulled on it as the Internet. Every system has a fatal flaw.”

“The Jesuits are a naked sword, whose hilt is at Rome but its blade is everywhere, invisible until its stroke is felt.” -Andre’ Dupin, French Statesman, member of King Louis Philippe’s Cabinet which expelled the Order (1831)

     “Who holds a sword over the Vatican?” I wondered.

     “If you have the ability to damn somebody to eternal torture and you’re still not the boss, there’s not too many steps further up the rung that I can see,” Hank figured. “Kind of like what that Mormon guy is saying.”

     The whole thing is getting out of hand, I volleyed back. The Vatican’s hands.

     “Putin has gone off the res a couple of times and then come back: that thing with the Chechens, the thing with Turkey… that yard sale,” Hank agreed, referring to the post-Soviet flea-market in loose nukes. “He’s controlled, but not controllable, if you know what I mean. Our boy Dubya fits that category. We have a lot of Caligulas. Caliguli… How do you control someone? You tempt them with something, and it’s never enough. You ply them with something, and they get drunk and make a bigger mess. You shoot ‘em – and you know how that goes. You find another Caligula. They’ve made too many. They’re piling up. The guys that are running the guys that are running the guys that are running those other guys… Now we’ve got nothing but conflict with no way out, except: Clear the board! Start over.”

     It’s the Titanic all over again.

     Not the Hollywood version.

     The Jesuit version.

     And this time, we’re all onboard.

     “Thinking outside the box,” Hank called it. “But there’s another box it’s contained in. And another one after that. Somewhere there has to be someone making boxes “that contain the rest. People have been taking orders without realizing that they’ve been taking orders… Their letter of credit is based on someone else’s letter of credit, too.”
He mimicked Vatican mobsters: ’You don’t understand. We don’t want credit, bring us cash.‘
“And they’re being caught short,” Hank resumed in his own voice. “People are starting to realize that faith actually has to be based on something besides more faith. Now they’re puling the curtain back and seeing the machinery behind the chicanery.

     “Jesuits are actually taking their collars off, and taking a look at what led them to the belief that they had that they were doing the – all caps – RIGHT THING, no matter what they had to do. They are now realizing that ‘the people telling me this’ are just in it for the power or the cash or the pedophilia. Some of these folks are going through the catacombs and reading the original manuscripts – not the copies. They’re digging through those pages. And the Vatican is coming apart from the inside.

     “And Ratsinger is not the person to be steering that ship. He’s a bean counter. He’s a fellow who is taking his orders form somewhere else [the Jesuits] and implementing their will on people who are trusting him…

     “The Vatican has been using fear to keep people quiet. People are no longer scared of them. How can this guy in a dress tell everybody else, ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that” when he can’t even keep his own people from fondling little boys? And irony upon irony, isn’t the Catholic Church creating the homeless they’re passing the bowl for?”

     Five hours into our interview, it seemed time for the Vatican’s bottom-line.

“They are a public plague, and the plague of the world… Every species of vice finds its patronage in them. There is no perjury, nor sacrilege, nor parricide, nor incest, nor rapine, nor fraud, nor treason which cannot be masked as meritorious beneath the mantle of their dispensation.” -Paolo Sarpi, Italian Roman Catholic historian of the Jesuits’ Council of Trent (1620)

     “The Vatican is teetering on the brink of self-destruction and is calling in all the markers it has. This is BAD. All caps. The Vatican is seeing its own mortality. They were the Holy Roman Empire. They reincarnated themselves and blamed the Jews. How good a PR company do you have to have to pull that off?”

     “Mel Gibson helped,” I said.

     “The guy who pounded the nails into his hands and put the spear in his side?” Hank asked, referring to that Roman Catholic’s bloody snuff film that pinned Christ’s death on the Jews.


     According to Hank, the Vatican may have miscalculated in the mortgage fiasco. The Romans “pulled the plug and it popped. You bottom out the housing industry, you got a lot of houses sittin' empty, and a lot of people sittin’ on the street. And they’re bitchin’ and moanin’. What are you going to do? Burn down the houses and kill all the people? Americans are sobering up. Americans are waking up. And they’re asking reality based questions. And they’re not getting answers. And it’s pissing them off,” Hank insisted.

     As for the Vatican high-rollers…

     “There are too many things in play that are contradictory,” Hank suggested. “They’ve finally realized that they have too many balls in the air. And they’re going to have to let one or two fall and break on the stage in front of everybody, and act as if they meant to. That’s going to be a tough act to maintain, because they’ve got five performances a night.”

     I laughed.

     Hank didn’t.

     “My hope is that maybe people will wake up two minutes before midnight,” he finished.

     “But then they tend to panic. And that’s not the right response,” I observed.

     “Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is worth a re-read,” Hank suggested. “I’m on page 86. It’s not a comforting read.”
Neither is Napoleon’s Memoirs. Not after that nasty little military genius was apparently ordered by his Vatican sponsors to throw the Battle of Waterloo:

     “The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: Power. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses… The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general.”

     The Black Robes are brilliant, dedicated and command respect. They are also extremely serious players behind the world stage, with an official but by no means individual “zero tolerance” for all non-Catholic believers. Before bailing over the Sky Pilots’ blessing of napalm bombers during the Vietnam War, and Vatican II’s emasculation of the occult power of the Latin Mass, this altar boy was educated by excellent and admirable Jesuits. But during my studies in theology and philosophy at Marquette University, I never dreamed of a secretive Fourth Vow, taken by no more than two-percent of the Order’s members.

     I doubt if most of my Jesuit instructors were even aware of it. As the former nun M. F. Cusack revealed in her Europe-igniting 1896 best-seller, The Black Pope: “The Jesuit is not permitted to take his full and final vows until he has attained the age of forty-five. As a consequence there are few fully professed members of the Order… Thirty-one years shall have been passed in the Order before the final vows are taken, so that a Jesuit who had not entered the novitiate at a very early age, might be far older than the years specified before he could take the final vows.”

     Here is a much-abridged litany of that brutal “Extreme Oath”. Not for the squeamish, the unexpurgated version of the alleged “Fourth Vow” appears in the 1913 Congressional Record:

The Superior speaks:

"My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler… that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope. You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace… You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death…"

Ques. From whither do you come? Ans. From the bends of the Jordan, from Calvary, from the Holy Sepulchre, and lastly from Rome.

Ques. What do you keep and for what do you fight? Ans. The Holy faith.

Ques. Whom do you serve? Ans. The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Ques. Who commands you? Ans. The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Ques. Who received you? Ans. A venerable man in white hair.

Ques. How? Ans. With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred Order.

Ques. Did you take an oath? Ans. I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my superiors in all things without hesitation or murmuring.

Ques. Will you do that? Ans. I will.

Ques. How do you travel? Ans. In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Ques. Whither do you travel? Ans. To the four quarters of the globe.

Ques. For what purpose? Ans. To obey the orders of my General and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oath. [Notice the priority of allegiance.]

Ques. Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.  [reformation.org; Subterranean Rome]

Hank’s Jesuit contact from the Vatican advises: “There will be a couple more bumps in the road.”

Photo Captions:

Vatican rules -simplybuzzes.com

Catholic Church pays homage to Hitler -Bundesarchive

Foundation Of The Jesuit Order, drawing by Mary Evans -fineartamerica.com

Pope says no one goes to hell, sinners just 'disappear' -newshub.co.nz

Power Struggle on Reforming Vatican Bank -cnbc.com

Other Sources:
Empire of the City  Merchants of Debt The Eagle and the Serpent The Bankers Manifesto of 1892 The Rothschild Dynasty The Creature from Jekyll Island  The Secrets of the Federal Reserve  “Capitalist Conspiracy - G. Edward Griffin (VIDEO) “The Money Masters” (VIDEO) “Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve – (VIDEO) [redicecreations.com]