13 min read


by William Thomas

Where have all the vaccinated gone

Long lines passing?

Where have so many injected gone

A short time ago

(with apologies to Peter, Paul & Mary)

Where have they all gone? From factory floors to airliner cockpits, warships to freight yards, playing fields to parade grounds — many people paid to show up are not showing up.       

     Unanticipated absentees can be more than inconvenient. A “no show” 1st Officer can delay a scheduled sailing. A single absentee anesthesiologist can shut down an entire surgery. When key personnel go permanently missing, replacements must be found, trained and re-integrated before once close-knit teams can regain harmonious interdependence.       

     “Nobody wants to work,” bemoans the corporate media. Not after so many money-printing governments paid people not to work during the lockdowns. Why wouldn’t millions of idled human automatons opt against returning to meaningless dead-end jobs? Or so the narrative goes.     

     But with Covid subsidies ended, rent controls expired, personal credit maxed out, and uncontrolled inflation forcing households to conduct triage on overdue bills — what are so many unemployed doing for dough? It’s not like there’s no work. A “Cannabis Content Creator" can make pot videos for $75/hour. A new hire truck driver in Corona, CA — “HOME EVERY NIGHT, operate late model equipment that is well maintained…” — can earn $80,000/year.      

     Prefer to stay home? An Online English Teacher can earn $70/hour. An online Social Media Sales Partner can land “a GREAT OPPORTUNITY for YOU!” — with salaries exceeding “$185,000+ a year.”     

     Or just grab an authorized gun. Desperate US Army recruiters are offering $40,000 just for reporting to boot camp within 30 days of surrendering all personal autonomy for the next 24 months. “Active Army” mercenaries can pocket up to 50 grand for their enlistment autograph. Plus salaries, medical benefits, transitioning costs, COVID shots, and free travel to some really interesting places.


In the Greatest Country In The World, some 200 citizens are dying from opiod overdoses, another 200 (mostly white male war veterans) by suicide and an additional 106 from gunshot woundsevery day. But these numbers have been breaking records for for years.     We’re talking about a significant sudden change in the work force.     

     Sure, a robot-replaced burger flipper might return to the couch. But what about career professionals? With so much invested in college loans, advanced training, job satisfaction, and eventual retirement pay — why are so many MDs, airline pilots, military officers, nurses and other veterans dropping out without notice, at the same time?      

     Multitudes were fired for refusing to submit to injection-roulette. But by late 2022, those mandates have (mostly) been dropped. Yet, noticeable numbers of workers remain Missing-In-Action. Voluminous online job postings suggest that many or most are not being rehired. So like the song says, where have they all gone?      

     Here’s a clue:     

     According to VigiAccess — the Adverse Event database for the World Harm Organization (WHO) — of the more than 2.4 million vaccine injuries already reported by Nov. 2021, 41% of those damaged lives under age 44 have been permanently derailed.  Another hint: According to 13 months of confidential CDC “V-Safe” tracking of 10 million injectees, more than one in four subsequently suffered an adverse reaction requiring them “to miss school or work and/or prevented normal activities.”       



Never forget, even at the height of a slickly marketed “super-deadly pandemic” — before any trick vaccines were available — PubMed was reporting the CDC-issued median COVID-19 infection fatality rate of 0.23%. The ongoing 99.77% unvaxxed survival rate across all ages remains identical to flu mortalities — curiously absent during the first year of relentlessly pumped Mass Hysteria.     Nevertheless, an identically scripted global distraction was declared. Long-proven safe, cheap and effective treatments were banned. Instead, the first fast-tracked COVID-19 injection was administered in England on Dec. 8, 2020. Lets start our timeline one year on...

Physical activity may increase heart attack risk,” breathlessly warned The Irish Times on Sept. 20, 2021Over two-million years of hominid evolution, who knew?     Contrary to longstanding immunological practice, in October 2021, well-compensated public health shills for Big Pharma insisted that “waning vaccine effectiveness” required a third dose. But it was vax-trashed immune systems that were failing. Over the next five months of frenzied jabbing, the overall number of COVID-19 deaths more than doubled.      

     Curiously, Pfizer’s own “vaccine ineffectiveness” formula shows a -122% drop in immunity among the double vaxxed; -136% among those tripling down. This means that the double vaxxed are 122-times — and the triple-vaxxed 136-times — more likely to catch this US-China-enhanced coronavirus than anyone relying on their innate natural immunity. Instead of the mild cold symptoms most Covid-infected unvaxxed experience, the same illness stoked at vax-velocitities often leads to hospitals.      

     Or the morgue.      

     “The reason more people are dying is because more people have been vaccinated,” observed Dr. Vernon Coleman. Before being savagely cancelled.  

     With 87% of UK adults allegedly jabbed, “Covid deaths” should have been plummeting. Instead, Public Health Scotland’s box scores for Oct. 14, 2021 showed excess weekly deaths up by a startling 30%. “This marks the 20th consecutive week with excess deaths above the five-year average,” stated that UK Government, “and the trend is rising.”    

      It wasn’t just Scotland. In Florida — either “despite” or “because of” half the population under age 65 listed as fully vaccinated — deaths were up 46%. And rising.     

     Even more alarming, with 80% of its adults said to be fully vaccinated, Europe’s most populous nation, Germany, was experiencing strikingly high mystery mortalities that were not Covid-related.   Denmark, Finland and Norway were also clocking more deaths than during their worst Covid outbreaks.  Ditto Ireland, Malta and Israel.     

     Intriguingly, each spike in deaths coincided with the latest obscenely profitable “vaccine” blitz. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) for England and Wales, since April '22, 94% of all “Covid-19 deaths” have been among the triple/quadruple vaxxed.      

     On Nov. 23, Doctors Mel Bruchet and Daniel Nagase filed a complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) against public health officials believed to be covering up 13 stillborn deaths in 24 hours at the Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, "due to financial conflicts of interest and biases," the Eastern Spectator reported.     

     As funeral businesses continued to notch up record “sales” (mostly in child corpses),  the life insurance industry experienced a rush in death payouts starting in the 4th quarter, 2021.     

     “Why?” asked The Expose.      

     “The vaccine, that’s why.”      

     How else to explain why countries with the highest death rates are also the most vaxxed? Why else are we seeing a “massive positive correlation between vaccination percentage and deaths”?


Let’s zoom in on the current year:      

     By Jan. 1, 2022, nearly every eligible arm in England (12 years and over) had received a single dose. Most had been shot twice. And more than half or Britain’s inhabitants had apparently submitted to a third round of way obsolete and still unapproved medical experiments.      

     By then, the jabbed were officially racking up 85% of deaths from the waning Omicron illness with a nearly 100% survival rate.     

     “After the shots rolled out,” Dr. Ryan Cole says he “began to see changes in the patterns of disease.” Particularly cancers, because “The T-cells that normally keep cancer in check were no longer there.” (A peer-reviewed paper has shown how the genetically-modified spike protein in the mRNA injections obliterates the DNA repair mechanism in lymphocytes. “In the case of natural [Covid] infection, this is unlikely to occur.”)       

     As the Idaho-based pathologist explained last February, “There are certain types of cancer that are appearing quicker and more aggressively and at a higher rate in younger ages compared to what I’ve seen in almost three decades of doing this.”     

     After Dr. Cole spoke out, “numerous” oncologists told him they were “seeing the weirdest cancers, and cancers that we have been able to keep in check and treat, taking off like wildfire — going stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, just like that. That’s because of the immune dysregulation that these shots cause.     “The shot they still are telling people to get a booster [of] is a spike protein that is toxic to the human body. It causes the same disease as the virus and predisposes people to autoimmune attacks and potentially short-term [immediate] cancer risks…”

     On Feb. 23, a lawsuit brought by The Highwire's Informed Consent Action Network forced the FDA and NIH to reveal that even as they pushed the shots, these criminal enterprises were secretly recording a 68,000% increase in strokes and other post-vax neurological injuries.      

     Two days later, Andreas Schöfbeck told the German newspaper Welt that this BKK Provita health insurance company was concerned after “400,000 visits to the doctor by our policyholders because of vaccination complications.”      “Extrapolated to the total population, this value would be 3 million” in Germany alone, Schöfbeck figured. Those estimates “are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it.”     

     As a board member for the German Federal Ministry of Health, Schöfbeck knew that gaping discrepancies between insurance claims and government figures are arising because “many avoid filing vaccine adverse events reports with agencies. It’s extra work and they are under pressure not to.” (my emphasis) 

     By March, after two-thirds of the U.S. military had submitted to the jabs, their deaths had surged by 1100%      On March 28, referring to the “COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre,” Brian Shilhavy — editor of the devastatingly referenced, Health Impact News — presented government vaccine injury statistics showing:

  • 68,000% increase in strokes
  • 44,000% increase in heart disease
  • 6,800% increase in deaths
  • 5,700% increase in permanent disabilities
  • 5,000% increase in life threatening injuries
  • 4,400% increase in hospitalizations 

     On Mar. 29, 2022 VAERS showed a 22,000% increase in deaths for jabbed adults over 50. The FDA urged a fourth dose for that age group. According to the UK Government’s own statisticians, between January and March 2022, 62,801 Britons died within 48 days after receiving a booster. 

     On April 2, VAERS detailed a 17,500% increase in heart disease in Covid-vaxxed children. Though the CDC admitted this catastrophic trend, ever-beholden to their Big Pharma sponsors, the Centers for Demented Corruption continued to recommend shooting up kids.      “I can barely wrap my mind around this, it is so evil and so horrible!” Brian Shilhavy protested.


Vax-swollen and inflamed hearts are vulnerable to sudden intense exertion. By April 2022, there were 1323 athlete cardiac arrests and related serious issues, with 900 dead after submitting to the COVID-19 injections required to compete. Besides collapsing from televised heart attacks on the field (and in the stands), other career-ending injuries include: blood clots, thrombosis, strokes, irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, neuropathy, amputations and death.From Wyoming to Wales, Belgium to Brazil and 16 other nations, April to September 2022 has already seen an additional 408 athletes dying. A further 89 have ended their dream careers after collapsing at play.      

     With more than 5.4 bilion people — or 71% of the human world — jabbed with weird spike proteins and demolition-derby nanoparticles at least once (by October 2022), how many deaths-by-injection are too many? One? Twenty? Fifty? Who decides?    
     Nobody, it seems. By April 24, England and Wales had recorded significant “excess deaths” every week for 22 consecutive weeks — bringing the total to 25,952 prematurely deceased. And this death train rolls on...



Also in April, VAERS reported rates of heart disease for Covid-vaxxed children under the age of 18 were up 17,500% compared to all FDA-approved vaccines for this age group over the previous 30 years. This is horrific the agency said by not saying anything. 

     In May 2022, all those disturbing deaths amongst UK children 12 to 15 got a boost when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) joined in declaring open season on that age group. It’s well known and rarely reported that with their ACE-2 receptors as yet undeveloped, kids are at zero risk of dying from the sniffles brought on by ACE-2-binding corona- viruses. Nor do they pass it on to grandma or anyone else. But children are extremely vulnerable to modified mRNA spike proteins.      

     At the end of May, the injected of all ages were accounting for 90% of Covid-19 deaths; 82% of which were among the triple-slammed.      

     By then, 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England had died. Of course, they may all have fallen off ladders, been struck by meteors, or succumbed to other Darwinian denouements. But why were the unjabbed continuing to enjoy the lowest mortality rates across all ages?


Official government data shows that around five months after each dose of the original “vaccine”, mortality rates rise significantly. ONS stats reveal that in five months ending May 31, 2022, 606,537 Britons died following their COVID-19 shots.      The fast-tracked H1N1 flu vaccine was abruptly cancelled after 23 injectees were killed. Dr. Jane Ruby halted a drug trial when aix beagles died. Across the Channel, in the five months between Apr. 16 and Sept. 7, 2022, Eurostat recorded nearly 26,000 more people dying than the five-year average.     

     Across the pond, by June, the CDC had recorded a 6,977% increase in cancers triggered by spurious Covid “vaccines” compared with non-mRNA flu shots. And the cynical clinical trials continued worldwide without a whisper of fully informed consent. Again, mortality rates remained the lowest among the unvaccinated in every age group.      

     And somehow, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Justin Trudeau. Jacinda Arden, Scott Morrison, Bonnie Henry, Theresa Tam, Francis Collins, Dr. Ralph Baric, Rochelle Walensky and their many accomplices in media, government, hospitals, clinics, congress, parliaments, banking, and national and international health agencies remain at large.      

     For now.


On July 12, less than one month after Big Pharma’s FDA flunkies authorized youngsters to receive highly dangerous and entirely unneeded “treatments”, babies and toddlers between the ages of 6 months and 4 years old were being stricken by sudden-onset heart, immune and neurological issues — including the formerly rare Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Also called, “hallucinations”. As if emerging from the womb into this madhouse isn’t bewildering enough.      


A Civil Action Filed July 19, 2021 in an Alabama District Court included a sworn affidavit by a computer programmer with 20 years’ expertise in healthcare data analytics and access to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) records. In Exhibit D, she “has determined that the number of deaths occurring within 3 days of injection with the Vaccines exceeds those reported by VAERS by a factor of at least 5.”     

     Within 6 months of the rollout, more than 500,000 deaths by injection were recorded in the USA alone. How many survivors have returned to offices, classrooms and athletic fields? 

     On July 27, yet another senior physician and researcher called out the “fast-growing cancers, and inflammatory conditions of the blood vessels in patients who died following Covid-19 mRNA vaccination,” Miranda Sellick reported. Dr. Ute Kruger’s autopsy images show how inflamed blood vessels caused lethal myocarditis in one patient, while killing another with “hemorrhage in the lung, and the back, neck, and spine.”      

     “The changes I’m describing that most likely are related to vaccination against Covid-19 are apparently only a fraction of what is happening in the body,” Dr. Kruger emphasized. Everywhere she went, physicians told her they were seeing the same things.      

     People are dying in droves,” Sellick observed. Just 12 days previously, the Vaccine Adverse Events UnderReporting System (VAERS) had recorded “almost 30,000 deaths.”      

     What about those under-reported 50,647 reported myo- and pericarditis patients? The American Heart Association medical journal Circulation observes that myocarditis results in a 56% adult mortality rate in 4.3 years. Dr. Anthony Hinton, a 30-year consulting surgeon with the UK's National Health Service, has warned that vax-related myocarditis has a 20% fatality rate in children after two years. One in two myocarditis-inflamed kids will be dead in five years.     

     Sellick noted “a further 55,540 people permanently disabled for other reasons, and 33,009 more with life-threatening adverse reactions.” Results “for the comparable European database register 45,752 deaths.” Times the appropriate multiplier.


By the end of August, excess deaths among European children, from conception to age 14, were up 800%

Why is torturing and murdering babies, toddlers and children okay?

Photo Credits:

Nurse Amanda Pollak injects Vandy Ickes, 9, with unneeded, useless but dangerous experimental mRNA nanotech.